It has been a while.
I decided to take a much needed break from everything for the month of August. Sometimes, that is all you need to get a fresh perspective and renewed motivation. So, here we are and I am ready to jump into the fall season. As the days get noticeably shorter and life gets a little more chaotic, I thought September would be a good month to focus on centering.
Centering can be a bit of a buzz word these days, but why is centering important and what does it feel like? For me, being centered is about turning inward, making space to connect with the body and mind. When life gets busy or overwhelming, being centered allows me to focus on what is important and let go of the rest. Maintaining that connection to self allows decisions to become easier and more clear. When I start to feel disconnected, that is when the overwhelm seeps in.
The act of centering can look very different depending on which area you feel unbalanced. In Kripalu yoga, we actually use techniques to address centering in these four areas throughout the practice: Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually. Even when you are aiming to focusing on one area, you inevitably touch on the others as well. Maybe your centering practice doesn't involve yoga at all. It doesn't need to, after all it is YOUR practice. Do you have something you enjoy doing that makes you feel whole and connected again? Maybe paddling a river or taking a hike. Maybe it's being creative by painting or writing in a journal. Maybe something more physical like running or swimming. Any of these activities have the potential to bring you into a more meditative state. That is where the magic of the body, mind connection happens.
In my yoga classes this month, we will be exploring different ways to create a centering experience for yourself. Starting with breath and sensation, continuing by moving the body and checking in with the mind and finishing up with some meditation. If you have practiced with me before, then you know this flow isn't new. It is how all my classes are structured. As teachers, we don't always bring attention to the purpose of what we are doing when we are doing it. In my own experience, a good formula feels like magic when being practiced. Let's try and create a bit of that magic together, on the mat, this September.
If this sounds overwhelming to you, that's ok. Take things one step at a time. Maybe start by finding any activity you enjoy that naturally brings you into a meditative state. Recognizing how this calm feels in your body is the first step in finding alternate ways to reach the same destination. Experiment! Show yourself kindness as you explore.