Last month, even though I didn't share here, we focused on "planting the seeds" which for me meant spending more time grounding and generating some heat during this season of transition. This month we will move on from establishing our roots to feeding the soul in preparation for growth. Spring is naturally a time for change. There is a lot of fluctuation happening in the world around us and of course that fluctuation is reflected in our bodies and minds. So this month, we will slow things down a bit. Give ourselves the opportunity to tune into these shifts as we build our energy reserves for the burst of life that is on the horizon.
During this phase of spring, the weather is generally getting warmer. My body thrives in warmer weather, which makes it easy to jump right in and overdo it. So my challenge this month is to actually sit in this stage for a while. Allowing my body to nurture the seeds that have been planted and gaining the energy and strength to grow when the time is right.
Choosing stillness can be one of the most challenging things we do, especially in this day and age of being surrounded by constant movement. Even when we are able to still the body, the mind may be quite active. I usually prefer silent meditation, but when my mind is particularly active, I like to use guided meditations instead. Using a guided meditation gives me something particular to focus on and helps me to get through that initial onslaught of thoughts once the body finds stillness.
Another way to quiet the mind is with a yoga practice. Moving the body first can help exhaust the mind too. When you finally lay still in savasana, both the body and the mind are ready for it.
Of course nurturing those seeds may not be through stillness either. Maybe it looks like moving your grounding practices outside. Maybe it means finding gentle movement and gradually creating more heat throughout the season. What are some things in your life that help you to nurture your body and mind during this slow transition of the seasons?
Whatever those things may be, give yourself some space this month to practice them. You never know what may bloom when you take the time to nurture those seeds.